Coming soon! New Metered Access Manager tool

OverDrive Marketplace will soon offer Metered Access Manager, a new tool designed to make managing Metered Access (MA) content easier and more efficient for your library.
With Metered Access Manager, you can create customized plans based on specific criteria like format, price, time or checkouts remaining, audience, language, and more. You can create multiple plans and optionally generate automated carts for review. Plans can also be run at any time to create on-demand reports. Metered Access Manager will be available in Marketplace and requires Purchasing tools permissions. From Metered Access Manager plan results, you can easily weed/unweed copies or see if a title is also available in the Cost Per Circ (CPC) model.
With this new streamlined way to manage expiring MA content, the “Metered access management” section of the Smart Lists tool will be removed in February 2024. All Smart List plans set to include only Metered Access titles will be deleted at that time.
Metered Access Manager will launch in Marketplace in the coming weeks, and we will follow up with more information once it is available. In the meantime, please reach out to your Account Manager with any questions.